Today we had a returning customer call in. They were having fitted their Scorpion None Resonated 2.75″ Cat Back system with 3.5″ polished Daytona tips they had ordered through us.
We believe this was a first, Scorpion designed this system to fit the 1.8T Polo GTI but had never fitted one to the 1.4T Blue GT. The customer was willing to take the gamble and it paid off.
The customer opted to have us cut half way along the original system to save time on installation. The alternative would have been a few hours work. The original system is 1 piece so the springs and everything would’ve had to been removed before we could even get started with the exhaust.
As Scorpion have designed their system in 3 parts it means the installation is simple, only taking 30 minutes.
With the standard system being only 2″ and the Scorpion being 2.75″ it means the volume capacity has almost doubled, thus meaning the engine can breath easier and deliver more power, not to mention the added noise.